
CFFB WoD 3.31.11

Today’s Workout

Overhead Squat 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Bench 5 RM

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
3 Push Press
5 Ball Slams

*for push press use between 185 – 225 lbs
*for ball slams used between 40-60 lbs

My Results

OHS: 115, 135, 135, 145, 155
Bench: 295lbs 5RM

AMRAP (205lbs Push Press / 45lb bumper slam): 7rnds + 3 push press

started doing the middle-tier lifting workouts today – OHS is not a lift at which i’ve excelled at in the past and i look forward to increasing those numbers quite a bit. i was lifting alone, so the bench was limited slightly by the no spotter aspect, still felt fairly solid.for a 5RM. for the AMRAP WoD, i wanted to do 225lbs, but i haven’t done push press in a while and when i started the WoD, it just felt wrong, so i dropped it down to 205lbs. maybe i just needed to warm up more… cuz the lifting process actually felt better rounds 3-5. the WoD isn’t too extensive, but it was fairly demanding. first round was just under a minute, but my endurance (or lack thereof) quickly showed its ugly head. a good sweat and a cool down 400m jog. then i got to talking football with a couple of the coaches… kinda like spring ball time in college, i like talking football in April! 🙂