
P90X: Day 8 – Chest & Back

i’m still here! it wasn’t the greatest of timing, but i had a week-long work trip that severely hindered my ability to continue with workouts, so i had put the program on hold. got back LATE on frid and didn’t have time this weekend to get anything done with family and house things going on… so, we’re starting up day 8 today (used day 7 as rest, which lasted 5 days 🙂 – will be doing X Stretch from here on ‘rest days’). now, on to today’s workout:

i was able to obtain some modular dumbbells from the brother-in-law, so i didn’t have to use the 8lb’rs any more… which i’m pretty sure was a key component of the total eradication of energy post-workout. i was able to best the pull ups and push ups from last week, for the most part (i had one total rep exercise that was the same as last time) and the weight increase was definitely an improvement. i still hate ab ripper x and don’t foresee that changing anytime soon.

feels good to be back, at least for now it does! 🙂