with the recent heatwave and humidity, one would come to expect a little sweat to flow from the brow on occasion. this morning (like most mornings when working out), the
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P90X: Day 8 – Chest & Back
i’m still here! it wasn’t the greatest of timing, but i had a week-long work trip that severely hindered my ability to continue with workouts, so i had put the
P90X: Day 6 – Kenpo X
the fact that i am able to walk today is a miracle unto itself. holy man, after the yoga burning on sat and legs work yesterday… kicks were crazy painful.
P90X: Day 5 – Legs & Back
lazy sunday… but i fit Legs & Back in late this afternoon. last night i worked the beer tent for River Falls Days and didn’t get into bed until 3:00am,
P90X: Day 4 – Yoga X
today’s post is much later in the day today… the early AM workout was not in the cards. i was reading my body and it was telling me to get