
update and my plans..

well, graz said no as well… so i’m not gonna play football in austria this year.

after deeep thoughts and much thinking i’ve come up with a plan. for those who don’t know i’ve been in contact with a company that helps place college athletes in the workplace. they have been talking to me about a position with a german biotech company off and on for the last two years. the position is now (again) available. the job sounds like something i’d have a blast with (playing with top-of-the-line, new toys, travel, etc) however, they’ve been hesitant to put me in front of the company because of my want and desire to play football – which is partly understandable. however, i’m not sure how or if the football thing is going to take off anytime soon and i can’t afford to not work for another year.

so here’s my plan: i’m going to go ahead and try for the biotech company job. but i’m still not going to give up on my dream of playing professional football – if the opportunity comes up, i will talk with the company (granted i get the job) about taking a leave for the season (usually about 4 months) and come back after the season is over IF i get a chance to play. if not, then i’ve got a job (finally). that’s what i’m going to do. so i’ll talk to them after the new year and see if we can’t get the ball rolling.

to all, have a happy christmas and a merry new year!